

I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
I'm so tired of this! My beloved husband don't try to do something with this situation.
I know he tries, but it is not effective.
He doing someting with our business, he is working on advertising and web content...
I know it will have been working after a while, but it too difficult fo me.
Now I must earn money for both of us, I've worked too much lately, I've really tired.
I becoming nervous, because he is always at home, he is always do what I don't like.
We quarrel really often, I don't know what can I do with myself.
I put a lot of money into our business, I must pay to my tailor, I must pay for the rent monthly, I must-must-must-must! Why?
I want my husband have a good job, I do not want to provide money the whole my family.
I want some peace in my home.

I think it is a test... and I will be much stronger when things will get better...

Forces of the world, I'm a wise woman.

@темы: Family, Men, People, Tired, Job, Angry, It doesnt' working!!!, Witchcraft



I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
Нет, ну сегодня просто фантастически упорное желание убивать людей.
Но я же добрый, ня.

@темы: Riddle, Tired, Job, Angry, It doesnt' working!!!



I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
The most important thing in woman's dress is : no matter how it looks like, it is only important how you feel in it.

I want to introduce you one of my princesses, Julia)))

@музыка: Within Temptation & Tarja Turunen "Paradise"

@темы: Creative, Joy, Job, Art, Photos, Happy, Customers, Thoughtful, Inspiration

I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
Yesterday I began to improve my standart corset pattern, I used cotton with floral print for my first sample.
I think this sample is just the begining of improvements, but this corset is really lovely;)

It is really hard to create something new, something interesting and good looking, I try to improve my technology, because not only good appearance is important for fashion clothing;)

I'm an artist inside, I want to create, draw... But sometimes I must just improve my old corset patterns;(

When the corset is ready, I will show it to you:)))

@темы: English, Tired, Job, My art

I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
Дорогие друзья, кто вносит поправки в мой жалкий английский, спасибо вам огромное. Я очень признательно за то, что вы уделяете мне время!

@темы: English, Happy, My friends



I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
Поиграем в тетрис в книжном стеллаже? У меня кончилось место под книжечки(((((

Let's play Tetris in a bookcase! I don't have enough place for my new books(((

@темы: Lifehack, Riddle, Books

I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
Дневник обновлен, возвращаюсь в родные пенаты)
Дневник открыт всем, кроме определенных тем, которые будут открыты только белому списку.
Становись в очередь на попадание в белый список!

The diary is updated, I have returned here again! This diary is open for all of you, except some special posts, which will be open only for White List.

@темы: News


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I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
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Доступ к записи ограничен

I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
Закрытая запись, не предназначенная для публичного просмотра


Доступ к записи ограничен

I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
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I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
Продолжение отпускных картинок
Прага 2013

Письменная отчетность, пожалуй, будет завтра или на неделе))

@темы: Family, People, Traveling, Memories, Photos, Happy, In love, Inspiration

I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
Последнее время меня просто чаруют неизведанные города и страны)
Хочется побывать везде, прочувствовать дух каждой земли и каждого народа...

сегодня меня вдохновляет Британия))

Bibury - по мнению поэта и художника Уильяма Морриса, самая красивая деревня Англии

@темы: Traveling, Inspiration

I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
It was so nice Saturday evening! Thanks to my friends for good company.
First, we went to the restaurant, there was a bit noisy, but it is ceased to bother me
after delightful Caesar salad and 4 cups of tea (yeah, i am a tea maniac))))))
Warm company and good place is a key to a wonderful evening!
After that we went to play billiards, I wanted to do it for very long time!
But.... I realized I can not play Russian billiard absolutely!

BUT! I looked really nice with billiard cue in my hands )))
The conclusion of today's evening is to look good near billiard table is easier than good play billiards )))

@темы: Laugh, Family, Joy, Memories, Happy, My friends

I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
П.С. Дорогие ПЧ, не обращайте внимания на английские аналоги под постами, я в процессе
самообучения английскому, но если кто будет видеть ошибки, буду очень благодарна поправкам.
И я была бы очень рада переписываться с кем-то на английском))

My dear friends! Please don't pay attention to my posts, which will be translated to English. Now I'm learning English
and I will be so grateful if you can help me with this.
You can write your corrections in comments, if you can help me to improve my English.
And I will be very-very glad to talk with you on English)))

@темы: News, People, English, Desires

I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
Нужно обработать целую горку последних фотографий.... оу
ушла в Lightroom, вернусь нескоро

I need to retouch too much last photos...
gone to Lightroom... see you soon))

@темы: Job

I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
Раз уж начали, поделюсь второй порцией фотографий.
Это потрясающие воспоминания, для меня это как вторая свадьба с моим возлюбленным
в годовщину 3хлетия нашего брака (иии... почти 8 лет вместе)
Великолепная и чарующая Прага, я влюблена в этот город в его улицы, мечтаю побывать там
еще и еще и еще... и достаточно не будет никогда

За фото спасибо Виктору Здвижкову (настоятельно рекомендую, если кому нужен фотограф в Праге)
весь альбом vk.com/album1088680_178946726

I want to share with you the second part of my vacation photos.
These are really great memories for me, it is like my second wedding day with my beloved man.
These photos was made in Prague this summer almost in our wedding anniversary day. We were 3 years in marriage and almost 8 years together.
Splendid and charming Prague... I really love this town, streets.. And I dream to go there once more, and more, and more..
And there will never be enough.

@темы: Dreams, Family, Photos, In love

I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.

Меня тут упрекнули в том, что обещанных фото с отпуска во Вьетнаме так и не было.
полный альбом тут vk.com/album1088680_163996604

@темы: Family, Photos, In love



I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
Кстати, новость раз :
Я обновила эпиграф, теперь там есть все ссылочки, на все ресурсы..
правда нет facebook, но я там нечасто, кому надо - покажу.
update: добавила Facebook и Pinterest

By the way, news number one:
I just have updated my epigraph, now there are all actual links.
I forgot about my Facebook account, I'm there not so often. If you want I can tell you.
Update: I added Facebook and Pinterest links.

Новость два:
Постепенно провожу зачистку избранного, друзья, ничего личного,
оставляю только тех, кого знаю лично и на кого хватит времени к прочтению.

News number two:
I cleaning up my friend list gradually, nothing personal, I can to read my real friends' diaries only, I have not enough time((

Новость три:
Хочу видеть ваши лица. Фотки в комменты на ать-два!
А то тыщу лет никого тут не видела.

News number three:
I want to see your faces! Please give me your photos in comments)
I really miss all of you because I was here so long ago.

@темы: News, People, PR

I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
Нууу... С чего бы начать.
Я вернулась сюда, поскольку поняла, что мне нужно место, теплое, родное и уютное, которое можно использовать
как копилку моих мыслей, моих чувств и переживаний. Не так давно я осознала, что просто разучилась
выражать свое мнение, свои чувства, погрязла в непонятно чем и... вобщем, пришло время начинать все заново)))
Здесь будет многое, многое, что я не могу сказать на других ресурсах, потому что их мониторят клиенты,
здесь будут заметки, планы на будущее, мечты и надежды.

Мне так часто хочется отругать моих клиентов, на себя, еще на кого-то, мне хочется выразить эти эмоции,
но просто некуда, поэтому, это все будет здесь.
Мне хочется поделиться своим счастьем, тем что меня вдохновляет, радует, восхищает!
Мне хочется рассуждать, не думая, кто у меня за спиной слушает... нет, я не боюсь своего мнения и его
принятия или непринятия со стороны, просто мне не хочется этих грязных ушей вокруг себя.

Мне хочется говорить, кричать, плакать и смеяться, мне хочется писать здесь все, что взбредет в голову.

п.с. я потеряла все концы к своему самому старому дневнику... наверное пришло время отпустить прошлое))

What can I say to start?
I returned here because I realized I need some warm and cozy place, which I can use like a bank of my thoughts, my emotions
and desires. Not so long ago I understood that I just forgot how to express my opinion, feelings... In general, it is time to start all over again!
Here will be much more than I can tell on another websites because there are too many of my customers,
I want my notes, plans for the future, dreams and hopes will be here.

I so often want to scold my customers, myself or somebody else. I want to express my emotions, but I have no place for it.
I want to share my happiness, some inspiring things, joy and delight!
I want to talk without listening behind me, I do not afraid of my own opinion and its
acceptance or rejection from the side, but I just do not want to see those dirty ears around.
I want to talk, scream, cry and laugh, I want to write here whatever came to mind.

P.S. I have lost my password to my old diary... perhaps, it is time to let go of the past.

@темы: News, People, Desires, Для памяти


I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
кто хочет возвращения блудной Весны? ня?:glam: