I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed severall times since then.
It was so nice Saturday evening! Thanks to my friends for good company.
First, we went to the restaurant, there was a bit noisy, but it is ceased to bother me
after delightful Caesar salad and 4 cups of tea (yeah, i am a tea maniac))))))
Warm company and good place is a key to a wonderful evening!
After that we went to play billiards, I wanted to do it for very long time!
But.... I realized I can not play Russian billiard absolutely!
BUT! I looked really nice with billiard cue in my hands )))
The conclusion of today's evening is to look good near billiard table is easier than good play billiards )))

I enjoyed reading your post about that evening, it's great you had a good time!
Now, let's discuss grammar.
In the first sentence, I was a bit confused by order of words, because "it was so nice" looks fine in a complete sentence, just as " it was a nice evening", but all together... I think, it would be better to say "it was such a nice...etc".
So, pls look up the difference between "so" & "such", this is quite important theme in English )
The second:"is easier than..." and after that infinitive form should go, actually. So you have to use "to". And then, order of words - to play billiards good (an adverb goes after a verb).
The rest of the story - good! You use quite long sentences, with adverbs and adjectives, and it is full of emotions - good work