Раз уж начали, поделюсь второй порцией фотографий.
Это потрясающие воспоминания, для меня это как вторая свадьба с моим возлюбленным
в годовщину 3хлетия нашего брака (иии... почти 8 лет вместе)
Великолепная и чарующая Прага, я влюблена в этот город в его улицы, мечтаю побывать там
еще и еще и еще... и достаточно не будет никогда
За фото спасибо Виктору Здвижкову (настоятельно рекомендую, если кому нужен фотограф в Праге)
весь альбом vk.com/album1088680_178946726
I want to share with you the second part of my vacation photos.
These are really great memories for me, it is like my second wedding day with my beloved man.
These photos was made in Prague this summer almost in our wedding anniversary day. We were 3 years in marriage and almost 8 years together.
Splendid and charming Prague... I really love this town, streets.. And I dream to go there once more, and more, and more..
And there will never be enough.
These are really great memories for me, it is like my second wedding day with my beloved man.
These photos was made in Prague this summer almost in our wedding anniversary day. We were 3 years in marriage and almost 8 years together.
Splendid and charming Prague... I really love this town, streets.. And I dream to go there once more, and more, and more..
And there will never be enough.